Michigan DeMolay will host a new member class honoring Most Worshipful Brother Dean Barr, Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan, on Saturday, November 3rd, at the Romeo Masonic Center (map).
Michigan State Chapter will open at 9:00 a.m., and the degree work will follow immediately thereafter. Lunch will follow the degree work.
Any “candidate” joining and receiving both degrees this day will have their membership fees waived and covered by Michigan DeMolay. This does not include anything above the $50.00 life time fee, if our Chapter’s life time fees are above that, you are still responsible for covering those fees.
As you know, during the GM Class, the young ladies of Rainbow and Jobs Daughters will be providing their own ceremonies to honor the GM. During this time, ALL active DeMolay’s present for our degrees will be going BOWLING on Michigan DeMolay! That’s right, as soon as we have completed our Degrees, all active DeMolay’s present will be going bowling and Michigan DeMolay is going to pick up the tab for bowling and shoe rental.
Plus, everyone coming to the GM Class will be treated to a complete full course meal at the conclusion of the day.