Deadline for registration is April 22, 2023

EO or Designee

  1. Enter your First and Last Name
  2. Enter your Email address

Registering a competitor

  1. Select Individual from competition registration type.
  2. Select the competitor’s Jurisdiction
  3. Enter the competitor’s first and last name
  4. Check any Non-Divisional Ritualistic Part the competitor will be competing in
  5. For any Divisional Ritualistic Parts, select the appropriate division first then check any of the ritual parts.
  6. Click the Submit button

EO or Designee

  1. Enter your First and Last Name
  2. Enter your Email address

Registering a team

  1. Select Team from competition registration type.
  2. Select the competitors Jurisdiction
  3. Enter the name of the competitors chapter. Separate each chapter name with a comma or semi-colon.
  4. Check any Team Ritualistic Part.
    • Select Team or Composite classification if competing in Chapter Proficiency or Initiatory Degree.
    • Check at least three preceptor parts if competing in Preceptor Trio.
  5. Click the Submit button

EO or Designee Information

Competitor Information